Saturday, June 23, 2007

Peace Corps Everywhere!

I am now living with a family. I have my own door to come and go from the outside. It is a mother with her grown son who is studying to be a doctor. Yesterday the 3 year old niece ate lunch with us, I did not understand her. While the family does not speak an ounce of english, my spanish is good enough to talk about books, politics, family, where i'm going, when i am hungry, etc. I misunderstood this morning when I showered, thinking my host mom told me to turn the water to medium for hot, but turns out she meant medium was cold, figured that out right at the end of a cold shower. oh well. A good quote from a Guatemalan magazine by an english author - there is an acute accent in spanish.. my wife has acute accent (about author's wife)

peace corps volunteers i have met = 7 and counting


Unknown said...

What a great experience...I can't wait to keep reading!


Becky said...

Learn how to say Baby Turtle in Spanish immediately! It's imperative to know that in every language :)

P.S. I heart reading your blog.

P.P.S. Is the doctor boy single and handsome? That could make for nice stories.

Anonymous said...

Yea! You arrived safely without losing arms or legs! My friend Amy spent a lot of time in Xela. I'll try to get her to email you. She started some organization for middle schoolers.
Keep on, keeping on! Your particular Wisco accent rocks wherever it makes an appearance.
But I am sooooo depressed that you don't have a digital camera. Booo-hoo!