Monday, October 04, 2010

Movies with Movie Stars

This past week I watched not one but two movies in the theater.

First, I viewed "I'm Still Here," the Joaquin Phoenix mockumentary... or is it? For those who have not seen this movie, it's a documentary of a year following J.P. Remember when he showed up on David Letterman with a huge beard, was stoned out of his mind, and left his gum under Dave's desk? That was the year of filming. Anyway, the meaning of that movie will continue to develop for years to come. While somewhat painful to watch, it made me think long and hard about the life of actors, America's obsession with stars, and I pondered why we like people who have egos and problems. Somehow, I think this movie touched on a lot of ideas, while also confusing the viewer as to whether it was real or pretend. Again, a metaphor for life?

Second, I viewed "The Social Network." This is the movie about the origins of facebook. Justin Timberlake played the founder of Napster. Nice touch. I saw this movie at a one screen theater in my neighborhood. Sitting next to my friend were Charlie Day and Mary Elizabeth Ellis. They are main characters on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. The friends who were sitting by the actors are major fans of the show - serendipitous. Well we all played it cool to be watching a movie next to movie stars. However, the over eager newbie Angelinos behind us asked to take a picture with them. The actors asked to wait until after the movie. Sure enough, as we waited in the lobby after the movie, the fans took a picture with Charlie Day. An innocent bistander then asked Charlie Day, "Is that your friend?" To which he responded, awkwardly, "Oh... just a fan." And she so smoothly replied, "Are you an actor or something?" He mumbled and escaped outside. Ah to be a movie star at a movie!

Just another day in LA folks!!

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